STIHL 3133 005 0091 33RH-91 28" Rapid Hexa Chainsaw Chain
Product Number: 3133 005 0091
33RH-91 28" Rapid Hexa Chainsaw Chain 3/8 50 GUAGE 91 DRIVER
33RH 91 Hexa Chain
The STIHL 3/8" Rapid Hexa full chisel chain will help you to achieve a high cutting performance thanks to the innovative tooth shape and narrow kerf. The new, innovative chainsaw chain from STIHL is a good choice for professional forestry workers and professionals working in the agricultural sector, as it makes it possible to fell and prune trees even more quickly with your STIHL chainsaw. The advantages of this saw chain come into their own particularly when it comes to cutting wood fibers.
The STIHL Rapid HEXA chain is based on the patented, exclusive STIHL HEXA system. This means that the shapes of the Hexa saw teeth and the Hexa file are directly attuned to each other so that you can sharpen the saw chain quickly, easily and precisely. This not only allows you to saw more quickly, but also ensures that the chain remains sharper for significantly longer. The HEXA system also prevents filing in the drive links and connecting links and minimises the risk of chains breaking. The system enables occasional users to achieve a virtually ideal sharpening angle when sharpening. This ensures that the STIHL 3/8" Rapid Hexa chain will enjoy a significantly longer service life.
Offering high-quality cutting thanks to its full chisel tooth, Rapid Hexa saw chain ensures that you can always cut cleanly and precisely with your chainsaw. This means that you can efficiently use it with chainsaws such as the STIHL MS 462> to fell trees and cut up thicker bushes. Thanks to the low vibrations, you can position the chainsaw precisely and guide it safely through the wood.
Stock: 31330050091
- Only the Hexa file can be used to sharpen the Hexa saw chain.
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